The coronavirus pandemic has thrown us into a new way of life and as a result the community has stepped up and shown their support to Clinica in a variety of ways. Here are some of the wonderful ways Clinica has garnered the support of the community since the emergence of COVID-19.

Chairel Thomas, a dental hygienist, agreed to model for our first donor appeal.
The Development team at Clinica launched two online fundraising campaigns and has successfully raised over $40,000!
For our second fundraising campaign, we encouraged people to give recurring donations to support patient care. We featured Susan Mitchell, a nurse practitioner at Lafayette, and reached over 5,000 people on Facebook!
With the shortage of PPE, many community members and family and friends of Clinica have come together to sew masks for our front-line staff! We’re safe and stylish!
Lowe’s in Louisville and Mountain High Alliance generously donated washer and dryers for

The team from Lowe’s in Louisville deliver a donated washer and dryer to Clinica as we transition to washable masks.
our Lafayette and Pecos clinics and King Soopers donated laundry detergent to keep our masks clean!
With our new model of care delivery, outdoor tents have been set up in our parking lots to care for respiratory sick patients. Shout out to Dave from CSI who brought over his forklift bright and early to make sure we could unload the tents from the delivery truck!
The Undergraduate Interfraternity Council on the Hill (IFC) at CU Boulder has been a long-time supporter of Clinica Family Health. To help us through the pandemic, they launched a community project called “Help from the Hill.” Five dollars from every t-shirt sold will be donated to help support us in our fight against COVID-19.

Thanks to CSI for helping us unload the tents we’ll use for outdoor respiratory care.
When Clinica made the rapid pivot from its usual model of care to this new model to deal with COVID-19, the staff from Morrell Printing Solutions and Broomfield FastSigns came in on Sunday afternoons to print signs so we could create our safe lanes of traffic by the next day.
Finally, a huge shout out to the various businesses below for donating lunches for our front-line staff and essential supplies and equipment to keep our clinics running smoothly during these uncertain times. We couldn’t do it without you!
By Nadia Ali, Development Project Coordinator